Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies @ University of Bucharest

Conservation planning

Integrating social network theory into systematic conservation planning

Project number: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1039

Contract number: 157/1.10.2015

Funding body: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)

Budget: 545675 RON

Period: 2015-2017

Research team

Laurentiu Rozylowicz, principal investigator

Viorel D. Popescu, senior researcher

Andreea Nita, postdoctoral researcher

Cristiana Maria Ciocanea, postdoctoral researcher

Steluta Manolache, PhD student

Iulia Miu, PhD student

Vasile Bagrinovschi – technician


The aim of the project is to improve the management of Natura 2000 protected areas by integrating social network analysis into systematic conservation planning. The project outcome will be a flexible and adaptive framework for spatial conservation planning of protected areas by integrating social complexity into management activities.


The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to identify main actors and their roles in the Natura 2000 sites;
  • to analyze management complexity using social network analysis theory;
  • to analyze strategic networking opportunities and scenarios as a way to strengthen the linkages between managers and stakeholders and national, regional, and local levels;
  • to develop tools for integrating social network analysis in systematic conservation planning spatial tools;
  • to train spatial conservation planning experts and inform policy- and decision-makers on the advantages of using social network analysis a tool for prioritizing conservation decisions.


Task 1 – Natura 2000 sites: management actors and roles

Expected results: database of Natura 2000 administrators for analysed sites, actors and roles involved in Natura 2000 management

Task 2 – Social network processes in Natura 2000 sites

Expected results: metrics and processes of networks involved in Natura 2000 management (Iron Gates Danube Watercourse SPA, Lower Siret Floodplain and Gruia – Garla Mare wetlands)

Task 3 – Using network analysis to improve the management of Natura 2000 site

Expected results: Models of efficient networks of collaboration in protected areas for various central actors, hierarchy or actors by their influence in network processes, co-management models with local communities as major player in protected areas management.

Task 4 – Developing novel tools for integrating SNA in systematic conservation planning of Natura 2000 sites

Expected results: a framework for integrating social networks into systematic conservation planning; focus group meeting with Natura 2000 administrators from the three case studies sites;

Task 5 – Disseminating results at national and international conferences and publication in
peer-reviewed journals

Expected results: 3 scientific articles in high-impact international journals, 2 scientific articles in peer-reviewed Romanian journals; 4 presentations at international conferences; 2 presentations at Romanian conferences

Main results


Rozylowicz L., Nita A., Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Popescu V.D. (2017), Recipe for success: A network perspective of partnership in nature conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation 38: 21-29.

Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz L., Nita A. (2017), Natura 2000 in Romania – A Decade of Governance Challenges. European Journal of Geography 8(2): 24-34.

Nita A., Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz, L. (2017) A social network approach to diagnose public participation in protected areas management. Insights from a Natura 2000 case study. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining: 771-774. doi:10.1145/3110025.3110124

Nita A., Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz, L. (2017) Characterizing protected areas management using ego-networks. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining: 642-643. doi:10.1145/3110025.3110079

Nita A., Rozylowicz L., Manolache S., Ciocanea C. M., Miu I.V., Popescu V.D. (2016) Collaboration Networks in Applied Conservation Projects across Europe. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164503. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164503


2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney, Australia, 30.07.2017-03.08.2017, Poster Presentation: “Characterizing protected areas management using ego-networks”. Nita A., Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz L.

2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney, Australia, 30.07.2017-03.08.2017, Oral Presentation: “A social network approach to diagnose public participation in protected areas management. Insights from a Natura 2000 case study”. Nita A., Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz L.

International Scientific Events, 26th International Conference, “Ecology&Safety”, Elenite, Bulgaria, 23.06.2017-27.06.2017, Oral Presentation: “Using social network analysis to improve the management of Natura 2000 sites in Romania”. Ciocanea C.M., Nita A., Manolache S., Rozylowicz L.

International Scientific Events, 26th International Conference, “Ecology&Safety”, Elenite, Bulgaria, 23.06.2017-27.06.2017, Poster Presentation: “Metrics for evaluating social network governance of Natura 2000 of Romania”. Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Nita A., Rozylowicz L.

Joint BES and CCI symposium, “Making a Difference in Conservation” -Cambridge, UK. 11.04.2016 – 13.04.2016. Poster Presentation: “Collaboration networks in LIFE Nature projects across Europe”. Nita A., Rozylowicz L., Manolache L., Ciocanea C.M., Popescu V.D.

22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference – Lisbon, Portugal. 13.07.2016 – 15.07.2016. Oral Presentation: “Management of protected areas in Romania – from governing to governance”. Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Nita A., Popescu D.V, Matache M.L., Rozylowicz L.

EUROGEO 2016 – Geographic Information: for a better world – Malaga, Spania. 29 – 30 September 2016. Oral presentation: “Implementation of Natura 2000 in Romania – 9 years of governance challenges”. Manolache S., Ciocanea C.M., Rozylowicz L., Nita A.

Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography – Bucharest, Romania. 18.11.2016 – 19.11.2016. Oral presentation: “Networking opportunities in applied conservation projects. Case study – LIFE Nature projects in Romania”. Nita A, Rozylowcz L, Manolache S, Ciocanea C.M.


Social Network Analysis – online manual for protected areas managers

Scientific reports

Final report PN-II-RU-TE-2014-1039

Interim report 2015 – 2016 (pdf)