Project title: Developing a model of integrated planning regarding the public and private services accessibility in metropolitan areas
Project number: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0658
Contract No.: 147/2018
Funding body: The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Budget: 249.525,00 RON
Period: 2018-2020
Dr. Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis – Project Leader
Prof. Dr. Laurentiu Rozylowicz – Mentor
Space is a major resource for our expanding cities and, in most cases, the rapid expansion of urban built-up areas has a sprawling feature, decreasing the environmental quality, reducing the ecosystem services and decreasing the accessibility towards public and private services. The issue of measuring the accessibility degree towards different services in an area is not a difficult assessment as there are various methods and indexes addressing this issue. However, the proposed project plans to go further and establish a methodological framework to improve the accessibility networks in metropolitan areas (MA) based on the current situation and on future evolutions. In order that the proposed project to reach its goal we start from the hypothesis that public and private services are unequally accessible for all the metropolitan inhabitants. Thus, the project assumes the fulfilment of two work stages: WSI-to develop an innovative methodology for assessing the accessibility of public and private services in Romanian MA and WSII-to provide an accessibility network model for planners and policy makers to enhance the sustainability and livability of MA in order to improve the quality of life levels. The project’s outcomes will provide a useful model regarding the planning of public and private services accessibility network, scientifically validated through publishing two papers in ISI journals and through participating at national and international conferences. The accessibility network model will be oriented towards the improvement of social, economic and environmental aspects of Romanian metropolitan areas.
Establish a methodological framework to improve the accessibility networks in metropolitan areas (MA).
- O1.1. Assessing the functionality of the Romanian MA;
- O1.2. Identify the socio-economic profile of MA;
- O1.3. Establishing the coverage of public and private services in MA;
- O1.4. Identifying the actors involved in metropolitan planning.
- O2.1. Assessing the coverage of public and private services;
- O2.2. Mapping the accessibility levels in MA.
- O3.1. Identifying the required services by MA based on their socio-economic and environmental profile;
- O3.2. Creating a network of services according to the spatial features of MA.
Workflow scheme
Main results
- Gavrilidis A.A., Popa A.M., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., (2020), Planning the “unknown”: Perception of urban green infrastructure concept in Romania, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, in press, Impact factor 3,734;
- Gavrilidis A.A., Niță A., Niculae M.I., (2020), Assessing the Potential Conflict Occurrence Due to Metropolitan Transportation Planning:A Proposed Quantitative Approach, Sustainability, 12 (2), 527, Impact factor: 2,592.
- Gavrilidis A.A. (2020), Metropolitan efficiency in providing access towards public and private services throughout their territory, The 2nd International Conference on Reshaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 20-21, Bucharest, Romania (on-line event)
- Gavrilidis A.A. (2020), The influence of morphological and structural landscape features on metropolitan connectivity, ELI-IALE International Conference on: Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance, September 06-08 September, Bucharest, Romania (on-line event)
- Gavrilidis A.A., Niță A., Niculae M.I., Rozylowicz L. (2019), Romanian metropolitan zones: A status without a specific approach?, Ecosmart International Conference – Environment at a CrossrOads: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, 5-8 September, Bucharest, Romania;
- Gavrilidis A.A., Niță A., Rozylowicz L. (2019), Landscape structure: a fundamental criterion to be considered when planning metropolitan areas, 10th IALE World Congress – Nature and society facing the Anthropocene challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology, 1-5 July, Milan, Italy
Scientific Reports