Project title: Methodology for the management and resolution of environmental conflict in Natura 2000 network
Project number: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0673
Contract No.: 343/01.10.2015
Funding body: The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Budget: 523.570,00 RON
Period: 2015-2017
Cristian Ioan Ioja – Project manager
Mihai Razvan Nita – Postdoctoral Researcher
Diana Andreea Onose – Postdoctoral Researcher
Constantina Alina Hossu – Postdoctoral Researcher
Denisa Lavinia Badiu – PhD Student
Steluta Manolache – PhD Student
The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for the management and resolution of environmental conflicts characteristics for Natura 2000 sites
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Analyzing the contextual indicators with potential of activating/fueling the environmental conflicts in Natura 2000 sites
- Assessing the threats in Natura 2000 sites with potential of triggering environmental conflicts;
- Identifying potential areas of environmental conflicts concentration;
- Assessing the specificities of environmental conflicts in Natura 2000 sites;
- Developing the methodology for the management and resolution of environmental conflicts.
Expected Results:
- 3 papers with a cumulative impact factor of 8
- strengthening the relationships with young researchers from abroad research centers and implicitly publishing articles in transnational teams (the project target: minimum 1 article published in an ISI listed journal with the participation of 2 foreign researchers);
- increasing the odds to develop a career in the environmental protection field and inclusively in research through the training component of the project (statistical courses for using R, using Ucinet software, conflicts management);
- participating with 5 papers at international indexed ISI conferences or other professional associations;
Main results
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Susskind L., Badiu D.L., Hersperger A.M. (2018) Factors driving collaboration in natural resource conflict management: Evidence from Romania. Ambio, 1-15; IF 3.687
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Hartel T., Badiu D.L., Hersperger A.M. (2017) Need for a cross-sector approach in protected area management. Land Use Policy, 69, 586-597
- Grădinaru S.R., Iojă I.C., Pătru-Stupariu I., Hersperger A.M., (2017) Are Spatial Planning Objectives Reflected in the Evolution of Urban Landscape Patterns? A Framework for the Evaluation of Spatial Planning Outcomes. Sustainability, 9, 1279; IF 1.789
- Grădinaru S.R., Iojă I.C., Planning urbanization at national level in the face of changing political and institutional contexts. Landscape and Urban Planning (abstract accepted – special number), IF 4.563
- Ioja I.C., Hossu C.A., Nita M., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., Manolache S. (2016) Indicators for Environmental Conflict Monitoring in Natura 2000 Sites. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 4-11.
Book chapters
- Iojă I.C., Niță M.R., Hossu C.A. (2016) Environmental Conflicts, in Novais, P., Carneiro, D. (ed.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Conflict Resolution, IGI Global Pre
- Iojă I.C, Hossu C.A., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Badiu D., Manolache S., Bacau S., Panzaru D. (2017) What drives environmental conflicts in Natura 2000 protected areas? Romania as a case study. The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference, September 17-21, JeJu Island, South Korea
- Iojă I.C, Niță M.R., Hossu C.A., Onose D.A., Badiu D., Manolache S., Bacau S., Panzaru D. (2017) Regional disparities in the distribution of environmental conflicts from Romania’s Natura 2000 protected areas, IALE- Europe 2017 – From pattern and process to people and action, September 12-15, Ghent, Belgium
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Badiu D.L., Hersperger A.M. (2017) Stakeholders’ concerns over the management plans of Romania’s natural protected areas. AESOP Annual Congress, July 11-14, Lisbon, Portugal
- Iojă I.C, Hossu C.A., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Badiu D. (2017) Urbanization as a threat to the Natura 2000 protected areas: how accurately is it assessed? World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, June 12-16, Prague, Czech Republic
- Badiu D.L., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Onose D.A., Manolache S. (2017) Typologies of environmental conflicts in Romania’s protected areas, ALTER-Net International Conference, Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs, May 2-4, Ghent, Belgium
- Patroescu M., Ioja I.C., Niculae M.I., Nita M.R., Badiu D.L. (2016) Environmental conflicts in Iron Gates Natural Park. International Conference Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 18-19, Bucharest, Romania
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Manolache S., Badiu D.L. (2016) The role of national institutions in establishing the management plans of Romania’s Natura 2000 sites. International Conference Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 18-19, Bucharest, Romania
- Badiu D.L., Ioja I.C., Nita, M.R. (2016) The relationship between human needs and conservation goals in Putna-Vrancea Natural Park. International Conference Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 18-19, Bucharest, Romania
- Ioja I.C., Bacau S., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L. (2016) Hotspots of Environmental Conflicts in the Natura 2000 sites from the South-Eastern Development Region. International Conference Re-shaping Territories, Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 18-19, Bucharest, Romania
- Nita M.R., Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Onose D., Badiu D., Manolache S. (2016) The assessment of the compatibility between the principles of the sectoral national policies and the objectives of the Natura 2000 network, International Seminar Dimitrie Cantemir, October 21-23, Iasi, Romania
- Ioja I.C., Patroescu M., Osaci-Costache G., Niculae I., Onose D.A., Hossu C.A. (2016) Land-use changes and environmental conflicts in Natura 2000 sites. A case study: basins from the Iron Gates Natural Park, Forum Carpaticum – Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, September 28-30, Bucharest, Romania
- Ioja I.C., Rozylowicz L., Hossu C.A., Badiu D.L. (2016) Management structures of protected areas in Romanian`s Carpathian mountains, Forum Carpaticum – Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, September 28-30, Bucharest, Romania
- Ioja I.C., Hossu C.A., Badiu D.L., Nita M.R. (2016) Natura 2000 sites and urbanization, 3th Workshop of SURE South Eastern Europe Chapter: Nature Conservation and Urban Development – How to manage together? August 31, Bucharest, Romania
- Ioja I.C., Breuste J., Hossu C.A., Badiu D., Nita M. (2016) The relationship between protected areas and eco-cities, 2nd SURE Congress, July 8-10, Shanghai, China
- Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Onose D.A., Hossu C.A., Badiu D.L. (2016) Analiza conflictelor de mediu din Siturile Natura 2000. Studiu de caz: Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea, Sesiunea anuala de comunicari stiintifice – Geografia Romaneasca in context European, Institutul de Geografie, 1 Iulie, Bucuresti, Romania
- Onose D.A., Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Badiu D.L., Hossu C.A. (2016) Identifying critical areas for environmental conflicts occurrence in Natura 2000 sites in Romania, International Symposium Present Environment and Sustainable Development, June, Iasi, Romania
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Hersperger A.M., Badiu D.L., Chiriac S., Susskind, L. (2016) What drives collaboration? A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to cases of environmental conflicts, Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management – ELSEDIMA”, May 26 – 28, Cluj Napoca, Romania
- Hossu C.A., Ioja I.C., Nita M.R., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L. (2016) The disagreements among national institutions over nature: a case study of Natura 2000 Network in Romania. Perspectives of geographical approach on territorial development: Theories, Methods and Practices, May 13 – 14, Timisoara, Romania.
Scientific reports
- Final scientific report 2017 – Romanian version