Project title: Developing novel collaborative planning approaches to increase cities sustainability
Project number: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1009
Contract no.: TE 52/2020
Funding body: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Budget: 431.900 RON
Period: 2020-2022
Research team:
Constantina-Alina Hossu – Project Coordinator
Mihai-Răzvan Niță – Post-doctoral researcher
Andreea Niță – Post-doctoral researcher
Simona-Raluca Grădinaru– Post-doctoral researcher
Cristina-Gabriela Mitincu– PhD student
Andreea-Raluca Slave – PhD student
The general aim of the project is to explore collaborative planning approaches in plan-making, how effective they are for plan implementation and to devise a methodological framework for the comprehensive consideration of collaborative approaches in the Romanian planning process.
The specific objectives of the project are:
Plan making:
(O1) to assess the forms under which collaborative planning is currently practiced;
(O2) to assess the characteristics of collaborative planning practice in urban regions.
Plan implementation:
(O3) to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative approaches for the implementation success of a plan;
(O4) to identify the factors which explain the success/failure of collaborative planning for the implementation of a plan.
The final objective aims to devise a methodological framework for comprehensive consideration of collaborative approaches in the Romanian planning process (O5) by combining the two steps in a planning process (plan-making and plan implementation).
Main results
Hossu C.A., Iojă I.C., Mitincu C.G., Artmann M., Hersperger A.M. (2021) Assessing planning implementation using the conformance and performance approach: The case of Romania’s local environmental action plans, Journal of Environmental Management, 299, 113680, IF 8.910
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Artmann M., Niță A., Niță M.R. (2021) Licensing sustainability related aspects in Strategic Environmental Assessment. Evidence from Romania’s urban areas, Land Use Policy, 108, 105572, IF 6.189
Erős N., Török Z., Hossu C.A., Réti K.O., Maloș C., Kecskés P., Morariu S.D., Benedek J., Hartel T. (2022) Assessing the sustainability related concepts of Urban Development Plans in Easter Europe: a case study of Romania, Sustainable Cities and Society, 85, 104070, IF 10.696
Hossu C.A., Oliveira E., Niță A. (2022) Streamline democratic values in planning systems: a study of participatory practices in European-centred strategic spatial planning, Habitat International, 129, 102675, IF 5.205
Slave R.A., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S.R., Petrișor A.I., Hersperger A. (2023) Assessing Public Opinion Using Self-Organizing Maps. Lessons from Urban Planning in Romania, Landscape and Urban Planning 231: 104641, IF 8.119
Mitincu C.G., Gradinaru S.R., Ioja I.C., Hartel T., van Lierop M., Hossu C.A. (2023) The public consultation is open: insights from Urban Green Infrastructure planning in Romania, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127985, IF 5.766
Hossu C.A., Artmann M., (2022) Relational values and planning of urban nature and biodiversity, Dresden Nexus Conference, 23-25 May, Online event
Slave R., Mitincu C.G., (2022) SOM and content analysis for summarize the public consultations, CIVIS HUB 4 meeting – Nature in Cities, Territories, and Mobility, 8-11 September, Bucharest, Romania, Hybrid event, on-site participation
Niță A., (2022) Using network theory to reveal patterns in collaborative urban planning, CIVIS HUB 4 meeting – Nature in Cities, Territories, and Mobility, 8-11 September, Bucharest, Romania, Hybrid event, on-site participation
Fineran S., Niță A., (2022) Adapting Environmental Impact Assessment to achieve climate change action objectives, Environmental Assessments and the European Green Deal ’22, 14-17 September, Vodice, Croatia, On-site event
Mitincu C.G., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S., Niță M.R., Iojă I.C. (2022) Urban green infrastructure planning in public comments. Lessons from public consultation processes in Romania, 7th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS, 5-9 September, Prague, Czech Republic, On-site event
Mitincu C.G., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S., Niță M.R., Iojă I.C. (2022) Assessment of the public comment process. Evidence from urban green infrastructure planning in Romania, AESOP 2022 Congress ‘Space for Species: Redefining Spatial Justice’, 25-29 July, Tartu, Estonia, On-site event
Slave A.R., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A. (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on SEA and EIA processes, 2022 IGU Centennial Congress, 18-22 July, Paris, France, On-site event
Mitincu C.G., Hossu C.A., Niță M.R., Iojă I.C., Niță A. (2022) Designing collaborative planning for nature-based solutions. Observations from Romania’s Local Environmental Action Plans, IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress, 11-15 July, Warsaw, Poland, Online event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Niță A., Niță M.R. (2022) A social network analysis of the stakeholders responsible for the implementation of actions within Local Environmental Action Plans, Ecocity World Summit, 22-24 February 2022, Online event
Hossu C.A., Oliveira E., Niță A. (2021) European perspectives on participatory methods in strategic spatial planning, IOER Annual Conference: Space & Transformation, 22-24 September, Dresden, Germany, On-site event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Niță A., Niță M.R. (2021) Investigating collaboration between actors in the planning and implementation of nature-based solutions, 11th International Conference on Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning, 8-10 September, Catania, Italy, On-site participation, Hybrid event
Slave A.R., Ioja I.C., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S.R. (2021) Public’s concerns about zonal urban plans: a focus on urban green spaces, The 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology 2020/21, 7-9 July, Poznan, Poland, On-site participation, Hybrid event
Slave A.R., Ioja I.C., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S.R. (2021) Insights from Public Comments over Romania’s Zonal Urban Plans, IGU Commission on Geography of Governance, Annual Conference New Challenges of Local Governance in Times of Uncertainty and Complexity, Adam Mickiewicz University, 23-25 June, Poznań, Poland, Virtual event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Niță M.R., Niță A. (2021) Collaborative aspects of nature-based solutions: strategies, plans, programs, policies, projects. EGU General Assembly, organized by Copernicus Meetings, 19-30 April, Germany, Virtual event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Niță, M.R. (2021) Evaluarea potențialului de integrare a soluțiilor verzi în orașele din România prin adaptarea documentelor administrative naționale. National Conference “George Vâlsan”, 23-24 April, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Virtual event
Slave A.R., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S.R. (2021) Evaluarea opiniilor cetățenilor privind planurile urbanistice zonale. Studiu de caz: Municipiul București, National Conference “George Vâlsan”, 23-24 April, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Premiul 2), Virtual event
Hossu C.A., Iojă I.C., Mitincu C.G., Slave A.R., Hersperger A.M. (2021) Success in environmental planning implementation. The case of Romania. International Conference “From Plans to Land Change: Dynamics of Urban Regions”, organized by Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, 20-22 April 2021, Switzerland, Virtual event
Slave R., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A., Grădinaru S. (2020) Evaluarea opiniilor cetățenilor privind proiectele legate de amenajarea teritoriului urban. Studiu de caz: Municipiul București, Young Researchers Workshop, 20th Edition, December 4, Bucharest, Romania, Virtual Event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Niță M.R., Hossu C.A. (2020) Challenges for nature-based solutions application in urban areas, GEOSCIENCE International Symposium 2020, 5th Edition, 20-21 November, Bucharest, Romania, Virtual Event
Hossu C.A., Iojă I.C., Mitincu C.G., Niță A., Grădinaru S.R. (2020) Collaborative planning in environmental plans: practitioners’ perspectives; International Geographical Conference Dimitrie Cantemir, 40th Edition, October 24, Iasi, Romania, Virtual Event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A. (2020) The use of interview method: environmental planning and regulation processes for growing greener cities; International Geographical Conference Dimitrie Cantemir, 40th Edition, October 24, Iasi, Romania, Virtual Event
Mitincu C.G., Iojă I.C., Hossu C.A. (2020) Management of stakeholders in environmental planning documents; Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance – ELI/IALE Conference, 06-08 September, Bucharest, Romania, Virtual Event
Policy Brief
Hossu C.A., Iojă I.C., Mitincu C.G., (2021), Îmbunătățirea eficienței implementării planurilor locale de acțiune pentru mediu, CCMESI
Dr. Raluca Slave awarded within the Național Conference “George Vâlsan”, 23-24 April 2021, Cluj-Napoca, România. Title of the presentation: Evaluarea opiniilor cetățenilor privind planurile urbanistice zonale. Studiu de caz: Municipiul București
Scientific Final Report 2020-2022 Română
Scientific Report 2021 Română
Scientific Report 2020 Română