Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies @ University of Bucharest


Project title: Developing a model for evaluating the potential of urban green infrastructures for sustainable planning

Project number: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0434

Contract no.: 158/01.10.2015

Funding body: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)

Budget: 532.470 RON

Period: 2015-2017

Research team:

Mihai Răzvan Niță – Project Coordinator

Diana Andreea Onose – Post-doctoral researcher

Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis – Post-doctoral researcher

Irina Iulia Nastase – PhD student

Denisa Lavinia Badiu – PhD student


The aim of the project is to develop a model for evaluating the potential of urban green infrastructures for a sustainable urban planning.


The specific objectives of the project are:

  • establishing a general framework for the analysis of urban green infrastructures and planning;
  • evaluating the influence factors in development of urban green infrastructure;
  • establishing the methods for evaluating the planning potential of urban green infrastructures;
  • analyzing the development of UGI in representative areas  from Romania;
  •  modeling the relation between green infrastructures and the planning process;
  • demonstrating the potential of UGI in urban planning.

Main results:


  • Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L., Năstase I.I. (2017), Infrastructuri verzi
    pentru o planificare urbană durabilă, Ed. Ars Docendi, București


Articles published in ISI databases

Articles published in International Databases

Articles published in Proceedings of International Conferences

  • Onose D.A., Iojă I.C., Pătru-Stupariu I., Niță M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Ciocanea C.M., (2016) Analyzing the suitability of Bucharest urban parks for children related activities in Moore-Cherry, N. (2016) (eds) Urban challenges in a complex world: Resilience, governance and changing urban systems. Dublin: Geographical Society of Ireland, Special Publication 14. ISSN: 0791-0681 –

Abstracts published in Proceedings of International Conferences

  • Onose D.A., Niță M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L., Năstase I.I. (2016) Planning for children: evaluating the network of playgrounds in Bucharest. 5th International Ecosummit Ecological Sustainability, Engineering Change, Book of abstracts
  • Năstase I.I., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L. (2016) Integrating the connectivity of urban forests in the evaluation of urban planning process in Romania. European Forum on Urban Forestry 2016, Urban forests for resilient cities, Book of abstracts
  • Niţă M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Nastase, I.I., Badiu D.L. (2016) A case study on the attractiveness of Urban Green Infrastructures. The 11th Edition of the International Symposium Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Book of abstracts


  • Niţă M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Nastase I.I., Badiu D.L. (2016) A case study on the attractiveness of Urban Green Infrastructures, International Symposium Present Environment and Sustainable Development, June 2016, Iași, Romania
  • Năstase I.I., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L. (2016), Integrating the connectivity of urban forests in the evaluation of urban planning process in Romania, European Forum on Urban Forestry, June 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Gavrilidis A.A., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Năstase I.I., Badiu D.L. (2016), Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania, 21st International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, June 2016, Hamburg, Germany
  • Onose D.A., Niță M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L., Năstase I.I., (2016), Planning for children: evaluating the network of playgrounds in Bucharest, 5th International Ecosummit Ecological Sustainability, Engineering Change, 29 August – 2 September, Montpellier, France;
  • Badiu D.L., Pătroescu M., Gavrilidis A.A., Onose D.A., Niță M.R. (2016), Assessing the distribution of green infrastructures in Romanian cities, 3th International SURE Workshop: Nature Conservation and Urban Development – How to manage together?, September 2016, Bucharest, Romania
  • Niță M.R., Năstase I.I., Badiu D.L., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A. (2016), Evaluating the relationship between urban forest location and urban functions in Romanian cities from Carpathian region, The 4th International Conference Forum Carpaticum – Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, 28-30 September 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
  • Niță M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., Năstase I.I. (2016), Urban green infrastructure planning in Romania integrating the perception of experts and local actors, International Conference Re-shaping Territories Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
  • Badiu D.L., Niță M.R., Pătroescu M. (2016), Indicators evaluating the benefits of urban green infrastructures in representative case studies from Romania, International Conference Re-shaping Territories Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
  • Gavrilidis A.A., Avram M., Niță M.R., Niculae I.M., Vânău G.O., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., Ciocănea C.M., Iojă C.I., Pătroescu M. (2016), Categories of oxygen-generating surfaces in Romanian cities – their place and role in urban landscapes, International Conference Re-shaping Territories Environment and Societies: New Challenges for Geography, November 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
  • Gavrilidis A.A., Ciocanea C.M., Niţă M.R., Onose D.A., Nastase I.I. (2015), Urban Landscape Quality Index – planning tool for evaluating urban landscapes and improving the quality of life, International Conference Environment at a CrossrOads: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, Bucharest, 12-15 November, 2015
  • Onose D.A., Patru-Stupariu I., Niţă M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Nastase I. (2015), Quantifying the role of accessibility in the attractiveness of urban parks. Case study Bucharest, International Conference Environment at a CrossrOads: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, Bucharest, 12-15 November, 2015
  • Rezumatele ambelor lucrări au fost publicate în Proceedings of the International Conference Environment at a CrossrOads: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, disponibil pe CD si online, ISBN 978-973-0-20300-4.
