Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies @ University of Bucharest


Project title: Assessing the social equity of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures

Project number: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-2074

Contract No.: 69/2018

Funding body: The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)

Budget: 249.280,00 RON

Period: 2018-2020


Diana Andreea Onose – Project Leader
Cristian Ioan Ioja – Mentor


One of the main objectives promoted through UN Habitat III Agenda refers to urban equity in development with 4 directions, one referring to spatial and social equity. Assessing the needs of vulnerable groups represents a complex problem in the field or Urban Ecology due to the difficulties related with their direct approach necessary in establishing their needs related with urban green infrastructures. The project aims to assess the social equity related with ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures for vulnerable groups using advanced spatial and statistical analysis (e.g. Grounded Theory, compositional analysis, multiple correspondence analysis). The project starts establishing the conceptual framework for assessing the social equity of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures (O.1), continues assessing the way in which urban parks (O.2) and green areas especially designed for vulnerable groups (O.3) contribute in ensuring social equity and finishes by developing a model for minimizing areas affected by social inequity (O.4). The originality of the project resides in the focus on vulnerable group and integrating their needs in planning multifunctional urban green areas. The project deliverables include 2 ISI (cumulative impact factor over 4), 4 presentation at international conferences and a spatial database publically available through a web GIS service. Both project leader and mentor have high international visibility and experience in conducting research in the field of Urban Ecology.


The project aim is to assess the social equity of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures and to elaborate a model for identifying areas of segregations and solutions for minimizing the social inequity in the context of sustainable cities.


The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Establishing the conceptual framework for assessing the social equity of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures;
  • Assessing the role of urban parks in achieving social equity for different vulnerable groups;
  • Evaluating the ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures especially designed for different vulnerable groups;
  • Developing a model for minimizing areas affected by social inequity regarding the ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructures.

Main results



  • Onose D.A., Iojă I.C., Niță M.R., Vânău G.O., Popa A.M. (2019), Assesing the potential of conflict emergence in urban parks. The case of Elderly people, Workshop SURE în cadrul ECOSMART 2019 – International Conference Environment at a Crossroads: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, 5-8 September 2019, Bucharest, Romania
  • Onose D.A., Iojă I.C., Popa A.M. (2019), Planning for sustainable and inclusive urban green infrastructure. The children perspective, 2019 IGU Urban Commission Annual Meeting – Urban challenges in a complex world, 4-9 August 2019, Luxembourg
  • Onose D.A., Iojă I.C., Artman M., Popa A.M., Mitincu C.G. (2019) The role of urban green spaces in care facilities for elderly people. Case study Romania, 10th IALE World Congress – Nature and society facing the Anthropocene challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology, 1-5 July, Milan, Italy
  • Onose D.A., Iojă I.C., Niță M.R., Gavrilidis A.A., Popa A.M. (2019), Assessing the social equity of the use of urban parks, World Forum on Climate Justice, 19-21 June 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Onose D.A., Ioja C.I., Breuste J., Artmann M. (2018), Nature experience for children in urban green spaces, 5th Symposium on Ecosystem Services in Transdisciplinary Approach – ECOSERV 2018, 17-19 September 2018, Poznan, Poland
  • Onose D.A., Iojă C.I., Popa A.M., Gavrilidis A.A. (2018), Identificarea nevoilor grupurilor vulnerabile în relație cu accesibilitatea și utilizarea infrastructurilor verzi urbane, Conferința anuală a Facultății de Geografie “Geography in the Romanian Centenary”, 17-18 Noiembrie 2018, București, România

Scientific reports

WebGIS ApplicationGreenEquity