- UCLIMESA – Urban Heat Island Monitoring under Present and Future Climate. Romanian Spatial Agency.
UB responsible: Ionut Șandric
Period: 2013-2015
- Modelling of environmental impact induced by the typologies of incompatible land uses in human settlements, PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-028, UEFISCDI
Project manager: Cristian Iojă
Period: 2011 – 2014
- Bioregio Carpathians – Study for the elaboration of a methodology for identifying, characterizing and classifying the landscapes in the transboundary area Iron Gates Natural Park and Djerdap National Park, in the framework of the Work Package 6 of the project Integrated Management of Biological and Landscape Diversity for Sustainable Regional Development and Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians
UB Responsible: Iulian Niculae
Period: 2013 – 2014
- CNCSIS IDEI – Integrated assessment of environmental quality in residential areas situated in metropolitan areas
Project manager: Maria Pătroescu
Period: 2008-2011
Project manager: Cristian Iojă
Period: 2008-2011
Project manager: Maria Pătroescu, Project assistant: Iulian Niculae
Period: 2008-2011
- CNCSIS A – Assessment of the impact induced by sustainable waste management on the state of the environment and landscape. Case study: Bucharest Metropolitan Area
Project manager: Maria Pătroescu
Period: 2008-2011
- PN II BIOXEN – Quantifying xenobiotic bioaccumulation in the trophic chains from wetlands
Project manager: Marius Matache
Period: 2008-2011
Project manager: Maria Pătroescu
Period: 2004-2009
- CEEX EVA – Evaluarea integrata a impactului antropic asupra factorilor de mediu in bazinul inferior al raului Arges pentru reconstructie ecologica
Project manager: Cristian Iojă
Period: 2004-2009