Professor emerita, Biogeography and Environmental sciences
PhD in Geography (1982, University of Bucharest)
Biogeography, Biodiversity, Environmental Education, Environmental Geography
- PhD Coordinator – Environmental Geography (doctoral school of University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography)
- Senior researcher emerita (Center for Environmental Research and Impact Studies)
- Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Iron Gates Natural Park
- Honorary President of the Carpathian-Danubian Centre for GeoEcology
Selected publications
- Badiu D.L., Iojă C.I., Pătroescu M., Breuste J., Artmann M., Niță M.R., Grădinaru S.R., Hossu C.A., Onose D.A. (2016), Is urban green space per capita a valuable target to achieve cities’ sustainability goals? Romania as a case study, Ecological Indicators, 70, 53-66
- Onose D.A., Niță, M.R., Ciocănea C.M., Pătroescu M., Vânău G.O., Bodescu F. (2015), Identifying critical areas of exposure to environmental conflicts using expert opinion and multi-criteria analysis, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 10, No 4, p. 15 – 28
- Patroescu M., Ioja I., Rozylowicz L., Vanau G., Nita M.R., Patroescu-Klotz I., Ioja A. (2012), Evaluarea integrata a calitatii mediului in spatii rezidentiale, Editura Academiei Romane
- Ioja C.I., Rozylowicz L., Patroescu M., Nita M.R., Vanau G.O. (2011) Dog walkers’ vs. other park visitors’ perceptions: The importance of planning sustainable urban parks in Bucharest, Romania. Landscape and Urban Planning 103: 74-82
- Rozylowicz L., Popescu D.V., Pătroescu M., Chişamera G. (2011), The potential of large carnivores as conservation surrogates in the Romanian Carpathians. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 561–579
- Iojă C.I., Pătroescu M., Rozylowicz L., Popescu V.D., Vergheleț M., Zotta M.I., Felciuc M. (2010), The efficacy of Romania’s protected areas network in conserving biodiversity. Biological Conservation 143: 2468-2476.
- Primack R.B., Pătroescu M., Rozylowicz L., Iojă C.I. (2008), Fundamentele conservării diversităţii biologice. Editura AGIR
- Rey V., Ianos I., Groza O., Patroescu M. (2007), Atlasul Romaniei, Editura RAO, Bucuresti
- Rey V., Ianos I., Groza O.,Patroescu M. (2007) Atlas de la Roumanie Nouvelle edition, Reclus, Montpellier
PhD students
- Cristian Ioja
- Cristian Tetelea
- Laurentiu Rozylowicz
- Silviu Chiriac
- Simona Toma
- Olga Baltescu
- Razvan Zarea
- Mihai Razvan Nita
- Iulian Mihaita Niculae
- Gheorghe Lazar
- Sanda Adina Serban
- Sorin Avram
- Gheorghe Curcan
- Ioan Marinescu
- Oana Ionus
- Annemarie Ioja
- Cornelia Dinca
- Costin Dumitrascu
- Adriana Barbulescu
- Radu Necsuliu
- Mariana Carstea
- Delia Adriana Mirea
- Diana Andreea Onose
- Cristiana Maria Ciocanea
- Adina Livia Cucu
- Ioana Vicol
- Gheorghe Clota
- Ramona Cherascu
- Denisa Badiu
Contact: mpatroescu[at]