Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies @ University of Bucharest

Our services

As a leading Romanian research unit we developed research programs in the field of environmental sciences and biodiversity locally and worldwide. So far, we have successfully developed projects financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, European Commission, foundations and private bodies. Our results have been acknowledged by financiers (e.g. European Commission) and published in high ranking journals.

We are highly interested in expanding our research network and participating at projects proposed for Horizon 2020 (e.g., societal challenges calls, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, Twinning and Teaming actions, etc), COST actions, LIFE projects, Erasmus +, etc. If you are looking for a partner to develop your project we are happy to contribute.

We are also looking for expanding our research network in Romania and participating at developing projects.

If needed we are also ready to participate at public tenders as lead partner, partners, or sub-contractor.

We provide services such as:

  • identification of potential financing sources and elaboration of projects in the framework of national and European funds in the following fields: scientific research, management of protected areas, environmental quality monitoring, biodiversity monitoring;
  • elaboration of environmental reports / environmental assessments/feasibility studies for projects
  • elaboration of maps and databases for environmental and biodiversity issues;
  • statistical and geostatistical analysis;
  • biodiversity inventory/monitoring;
  • training in the field of biodiversity conservation;
  • management plans for protected areas;
  • social investigation related to environmental problems (surveys).